Okay... So I've been posting about how we're re doing our bathroom and how excited I was to finally do away with all the decor I don't want anywhere else in the house that somehow ends up in the bathroom. It had a very beachy vibe and that's not really my style. I notice the beachy decor in a lot of bathrooms actually... Is it because there is water in there and it attracts all the seashells? I don't get it but it works for some. Not me. So this whole bathroom re-do was very spur of the moment (a lot like everything I do) and I decided in the middle of the night we needed a refresh....
So in my natural delirious state, I get out of bed and go taking all the decor out of the bathroom all while trying not to wake up my sleeping child and husband. I had no clue what I was going to do in there but I knew all the old stuff had to go! I wanted to refresh the curtain so I took some curtains out of my sons room (don't judge me) and replaced them. I got the long curtains for my whole house at
Ikea and found some clips at Walmart (you can find them anywhere) to make them a bit shorter. It instantly got me thinking about what I wanted to do in here! Good thing the weekend was close and I was able to do some work in there. I had some left over
bead board wallpaper from my
Cabinet Redo and I decided I would put that up. My husband and I seriously argued about the height of the wallpaper. We do that... He wanted it really low and I wanted it really high. So after I told him to go find another bathroom to use, we compromised in the middle. Literally he got his measuring tape and measured the exact middle of the wall. I'm the one who put it up so it may or may not be an inch above the middle of the wall (I'm stubborn I know) but don't tell him that. We trimmed it out with some old quarter round from a fallen down barn.We also ripped out the old (I think they're granite??) baseboards that I hated from the beginning of time.

Another lesson learned. When renovating your house, do EVERYTHING on your list and don't put things off thinking you can live with it because those ugly granite baseboards will stare at you in the face mocking you and instantly making you regret your poor decision to live with them. So we got those out and replaced them with some old barn wood from the same fallen down barn we had in our pile. PS!! We found old hardwoods under that tile when we ripped out the baseboards. BUT that is a big undertaking and will be done later down the road. Apparently I don't take my own advise when it comes to re-doing everything at once. LOL
After that was up I decided I HATED the grey. I already hated it but I hated it even more now. So I wanted a very bright light airy bathroom with a pop of color. Maybe even add a chandelier down the line. So I ordered a beautiful RED rug off of
Amazon. Totally not like me. I stay waaaaaaay far away from color in my house. I'm a very neutral, everything has to be painted white, add color with flowers type of girl. So purchasing a red rug took a lot of convincing myself that it's a bathroom and you can have a little fun in there! Experiment and if you don't like it, return it.
So the rug came in and I wanted to see if it made the grey any better. It made it worse.
So I went out and got some paint. I wanted a shade darker than white so it would still feel somewhat warm in there. I picked Ivory.
I start painting after work and got it all done except some touch up areas but I was exhausted. Stayed up way passed my bedtime. I woke up the next morning and decided I hated it. It looked dirty and wasn't at all what I envisioned. I am usually pretty good at picking out paint colors without trying them out first. Lesson learned i'm not a color expert. So I angerly (is that a word?) took the beautiful red rug out and threw it in our mudroom. My husband layed it out in there and I LOVED IT. This all white mud room with this beautiful red vintage looking rug is exactly what I wanted my bathroom to look like!

But I realized there is no natural light in my bathroom. I think that's what made it look so muddy and dirty. That same day I painted our vanity in the bathroom. I wanted to try and lighten it up that way. Going back in time a bit here- While I was shopping for the white paint, I stumbled across a navy blue that was just beautiful and I thought to myself "I wonder what that would look like" and then I quickly said "color! NO!" and ran to the whites. The funny thing about that part of the story is the day I woke up and looked in the bathroom and decided I hated it, my husband said "what if we paint it like a navy blue?" It was just meant to be I guess. But I still was hesitant. I told him we would see but that is so opposite of what I wanted in the bathroom. He went to work and I started doing other projects (because I don't stop) and I painted the hardware for the bathroom vanity gold. I have always wanted gold hardware but never had the guts to do it. The gold paint was so pretty I put a couple of the handles from the bathroom onto the kitchen and decided I loved it!

BUT I knew my husband wouldn't. So I took a poll on Facebook and Instagram whether or not I should paint them all gold or leave them black and Gold won but only by a few! This picture was when it was tied for a long time. Gold came out on top in the end though.
So When my husband came home I asked him what he thought and he said "only if we can paint the bathroom blue" DEAL. I went out and got paint samples and we narrowed it down to two.

What a story. What a long and boring story. If you're still reading, God bless you. So I will be updating you with a NEW and BLUE bathroom coming very soon! I hope you like it! (I hope I like it) Color is not my thing so this is definitely me stepping out of my comfort zone. We have a lot of get-togethers at our house in the fall and winter months due to birthdays and all the holidays so I'm hoping to get all of my unfinished projects done by then. Wish me luck. Our house looks like Home depot came and threw up in here. Have a FABULOUS week my sweets!! Here is a pic of what the bathroom looks like now... The camera makes it look somewhat nice but in real life it looks very apartment-y. I'm making up several new words today. I thought maybe switching out some more decor would help and it did a little. Or maybe my eyes are just getting used to it because I'm in there everyday. Who knows!
Follow me everywhere!!
xo- Savanna